
Five things women entrepreneurs must do to rise above the noise

Work, family, personal space, house chores, socializing, networking. There are plenty of parallel priorities that are vying for our attention. Along with these priorities, we are surrounded by a lot of noise – our inner dialogue, perceptions of people around us, social media chatter, and more. Being successful requires us to be selective about where …

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Making the most of a Crisis: How to Use a Pandemic for Business Growth

The global pandemic put the brakes on hard for a lot of businesses. Around the world, many of us were forced to shutter our shops and retreat to our homes. Some chose to view the crisis as an insurmountable challenge, others as an opportunity. Those who chose the latter found new ways to work and …

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How to remain focused & productive in uncertain times

1 September 2021|Resilience, Success Truth be told, no era has ever been completely stable, there’s always something going on somewhere. While that’s true, it’s also true that thanks to a global pandemic that appears to have no solid end in sight, times have been a whole lot more uncertain than many of us have ever …

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Achieving a Balanced Life as a Female Entrepreneur

24 May 2021|Purpose, Resilience, Success, women leaders The drive to create something new and build something bigger than yourself is innate. It can’t be taught. And it’s a drive shared by millions of people across the world. Globally, women own 36% of small businesses and more than 9 million people are employed by female-owned companies. 14% of …

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How to build a mindset for success with your startup

27 April 2021|Resilience, Success 82% of business owners are confident that they have the right qualifications and experience to run a company. Yet, only 40% of small businesses are profitable and as many as 50% fail within their first year. While market research, quality products that meet market needs, and listening to your customers are all important; …

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