Five things women entrepreneurs must do to rise above the noise

Work, family, personal space, house chores, socializing, networking. There are plenty of parallel priorities that are vying for our attention. Along with these priorities, we are surrounded by a lot of noise – our inner dialogue, perceptions of people around us, social media chatter, and more. Being successful requires us to be selective about where we put our energy and focus. To do this and stand tall above the noise around us, we need a different approach, particularly in post-pandemic days where the line between work and the rest of life is blurring.

There are multiple studies indicating that it is harder to succeed as a female entrepreneur than our male counterparts. More responsibility falls on a woman’s shoulders for caring for the family than men and this is true across the world. Some of the significant limitations for women in some social groups include, but are not limited to, lack of access to capital, credit, and land. The list is quite long.

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