My Story

“Throughout my life, people have said to me, ‘You’re the only one I can talk to about this.’
Over time, it became my calling.”

Dhruti Shah
The story of

Dhruti Shah

Determined to chart my own course

In the 1990s, as a girl child growing up in a traditional, middle-class family in Mumbai, India, I was saddled with many expectations – especially to get married and have children.

Although I’m certainly not against following traditional norms, I do have an independent streak, and I was just rebellious enough to want to set my own direction in life and to live my own dreams. I believed – and still do – that life is too short to march to someone else’s tune!

Eventually, I realized that one of my biggest dreams was to develop the power to help people fulfill their passion and navigate their personal and professional lives – just as I’d done as a kid but with a much greater capability to bring about tangible change.

Also, as I encountered my own setbacks, I came to appreciate the value of resilience. Yes, problems are inevitable, but it’s how we respond to them that makes the crucial difference.

But all that would come later. Being young, I wanted to sample the world and test my mettle!

I left India and embarked on a journey of self-discovery and liberation

Since I was straying from the traditions of womanhood in India, I knew I was being scrutinized by society back home, but that didn’t change the burning desire I had to prove myself.

Enrolling in an MBA program at Rutgers Business School in Newark, New Jersey, was a huge step in the right direction for me.

After completing my MBA, I began a 15-year period working in the corporate world while also becoming an entrepreneur. As a woman, balancing my personal and professional lives came at a cost. The stress could be overwhelming. The hours were ridiculous. And the demands could be outrageous.

I was drowning in self-doubt and guilt, and I had also started showing signs of depression. I knew I needed a complete overhaul because this was not my true nature. Something was amiss.

How my life's work became clear to me

During my time as a facilitator, workshop participants would often share the roadblocks they were facing in their careers. I was more than happy to spend time 1:1 with them and offer my support so they could reflect and arrive at insights.

After multiple such instances and seeing the difference it made to their career choices, I decided to dedicate myself to coaching full-time. I knew that’s where I was making the most differnce. There was no doubt: Coaching was my calling.

The expertise I gained over the years in fields such as Human Resources, Marketing, and Organizational Development would prove to be very valuable as I transitioned into coaching. In 2020, I became certified as a Results Trained Coach, serving individuals, startups, and small to medium-sized businesses.

How I practice today

My coaching is based on forward-focused, action-orientated approaches to challenges that the client identifies as most important. Together, we define challenges, explore ways to overcome hurdles and develop tactics to become more resilient and open-hearted in everyday life.

The success of each individual I work with is my greatest reward

Helping people overcome self-limiting beliefs, build sustainable support systems, and find the courage and compassion to pursue their own goals is what I find most gratifying. Indeed, there’s nothing like seeing the look on clients’ faces when they achieve a breakthrough and knowing that I helped make that happen.

I believe that once people have these coping techniques when they encounter difficulties, they can come out much stronger on the other side. It’s happened both to me and my clients many, many times.


Started my corporate career

MBA in Marketing from Rutgers University

Started writing my book ‘The Resilient Entrepreneur’ 

Earned my coaching certification from NeuroLeadership Institute

Certified and Credentialed Coach (ICF) 


Partner at a boutique Organizational Development firm 

Volunteer at a learning center for some brilliant kids who will write their own future and define their own success